Oatmeal, Salmon, and a Whole Lot of Greens

20 Mar


Wednesdays are secretly our favorite blog day because we just love linking up with Peas and Crayons and sharing our most recent eats. We decided to include the time of each meal so you can see the average distance between them.

(7:20 am) Breakfast this morning was whipped banana oats (we are just totally obsessed with this fabulous combination and the natural sweetness that comes from the banana). We also cooked the oats with eggbeaters and topped them with the last of our cranberry sauce (tear), dried cranberries, buckwheat, and sun butter. Served with a big cup of coffee on the side to get our Tuesday going.


I think it was the combination of the snow on the ground and the rain that made us feel extra sleepy today. Sipping on coffee all morning while working on school work definitely helped motivate us to get stuff done. Motivation is probably every college students biggest problem. Are we right or are we right?

(11:45 am) Lunch was a salad topped with cucumber, carrots, tomatoes, mushrooms, red onion, and goat cheese. On the side was a handful of wheat thins and a plain Chobani Greek yogurt topped with almonds, banana slices, and honey. Lately we’ve been loving water with fresh lime instead of lemon. Such a good change.


(3:15 pm) Right around 3 we usually start to get hungry again. Today’s snack was an apple pie Lara bar smeared with chunky peanut butter and topped with a couple slices of banana. Peppermint tea got us through another afternoon of school work. Thank god there are only 9 more days till Easter break!


(6:15 pm) Sometimes simple dinners truly are the best. Tonight we had baked salmon served with a lentil trio mix and kale steamed in maple syrup. The sweetness from the maple syrup added the perfect touch to this dish. Try it sometime you won’t be disappointed!

Today was the first day in five weeks that we were able to go to yoga! The class that is held at our school is called body flow. It is a mix of stretching, pilates, and relaxation and we love it.

(10:00 pm) Late night snack time! We ended this fabulous day with another smoothie in a bowl. This smoothie was made with vanilla almond milk, pumpkin purée, and a frozen banana. We topped this SIAB with Special K cinnamon pecan cereal, slivered almonds, and pb2!

Today was definitely a good food day in our books. What was your favorite thing you ate yesterday?

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